Photos: Appreciation of how sunset of Qiandao Lake conquers foreign friends?
發(fā)布于 2017-09-13 14:22:32 來源:中國網(wǎng) 作者:張云松 杜依依 責(zé)任編輯:張云松
中國網(wǎng)浪潮資訊 傍晚時分,絢爛的晚霞映襯千島湖,變幻多姿的流光順勢鋪灑,形成了五彩斑斕的“絢麗云海”,分外迷人。美麗的天空,變換出各種顏色,美到無需濾鏡,仿佛動畫片里才有的色彩,外國友人們在如此的美景下賞析,對身心靈都是一種很好的凈化,從而提高自我欣賞美的能力。
The gorgeous sunset glow sets against Qiandao Lake at dusk. The streamer is spreading and is ever changing to become a colorful “gorgeous sea of clouds”. It’s extremely enchanting. Beautiful sky with different changing colors is so beautiful without filters, which seems like the colors in an animation. It is a good purification to body and mind that foreign friends appreciate such beautiful scenery, so as to improve their ability to appreciate beauty.
(中國網(wǎng)作者 張云松 綜合報道 翻譯 杜依依)
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